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Oops! I Did It Again!

I am an accident prone person. Be it as silly as banging against static furniture or as severe as banging against moving vehicles, I always have scratches, bruises, burns, cuts or some or the other injury. It’s like they are an integral part of my life and I cannot just live without them.

Like when I was little (about 3-4), Nupuri and I were playing on a chair and I happened to have a fall! Result? A hand that looked like a bow (bent at a concerning angle), a painful train ride from Mumbai to Solapur (since the tickets were already booked and nobody could’ve foreseen this accident) and then a heavy duty PoP cast put around my tender neck for a month or SUMMERS!!

When I first learnt how to ride a two wheeler was also the first time I actually “met with an accident”. I was riding down a calm road when out of nowhere came a bike and the next thing I knew (or remember) is Chaitrali rushing to the hospital. Result? Bruises all over my body (I swear one resembled the Superman logo), some heavy dressing (and limping), a concussion that made my head look severely disproportionate and temporary amnesia (to this date I don’t remember calling Chaitrali for help). Even though the look on her face was priceless and funny when I asked her what she was doing at the hospital, the pain that I was left with was not funny at all!

Final year of my college, I had gone to Vaari to take photos (who doesn’t). I insisted on coming back on a two wheeler (a decision I would soon regret). My friend who was driving the bike yelled, “Bhagya look! Durgesh’s bike just slipped!!” And before I knew it, BAM!! We slipped too! Result? Out of the four people that fell, I was the only one injured - with a ligament injury to the knee! No doubt the injury was painful (still hurts in winters), what was more painful was the month and a half away from college, that too in my final year!

And the most recent one was when on a fine Thursday morning I was going to the office on my beloved two wheeler when without any warning a rickshaw turns and runs right into me (like literally)! Result? A bruised left side and a fractured left hand!! Left hand - why God why!! That not only meant that I had to have a cast for a month but also meant that I had to learn how to brush, eat, drink, write and even draw with my right hand! And the worst of all - no more two wheeler! Those who know me will know that that was what hurt me the most!

Oh and guess what? These are just the highlights! The ones that really caught my family’s attention. This is not counting the countless (haha) number of times I have slipped, fell flat and hard, stumbled, bashed, cut, burnt and just hurt myself in any way known to humankind. Though the results are more often than not painful and at times extremely concerning, my “accidents” always provide for great stories that almost always end up in everyone having a good laugh.

What can I say, I love being the topic of everyone’s discussion!!



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